In the first two periods, Weißenfels was just too strong for the second local team in the semifinals. Finally, the Leipzig CFC team from the SC DHfK club managed to finish the match with an at least pleasing final period.
| UHC Weißenfels | | DHfK Leipzig
69 | Armando Crottogini (TW) | 76 | Robert Börner
| 14 | Robert Blanke | 7 | Christian Sieber
| 27 | Martin Blanke | 8 | Stefan Banitz
| 82 | Thomas Finaske | 9 | Rico Hoffmann
| 21 | Paavo Haimila | 10 | Ingmar Penzhorn
| 12 | Aki Koskinen | 13 | Ricky Radünz
| 11 | Lauri Sääksvuori | 17 | Lars Schauer
| 33 | Sebastian Bernieck | 19 | Gunnar Pause
| 26 | Tim Böttcher | 23 | Robert Palitzsch
| 4 | Johannes Tauchlitz | 44 | Johnny Lehmann
| 23 | Valentin Erben | 89 | Nils Knothe
| 8 | Phillip Wolff | 91 | Tobias Schrey
| | | 93 | Nicolas Kufat
| | | 94 | Tom Laniek